Issue 48 (10/2021)

Table of Contents
The term of office of the current members of the Social Workers Registration Board will end on 15 January 2022. According to the provisions of the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, the Board is composed of 15 members, of which 8 members should be registered social workers and elected by registered social workers.
In order to coordinate the election of members for the new term, the Board has setup an Election Committee (EC) composed of lay members in accordance with the "Rules for the Election of Board Members". The members include Professor Chan Wing Tai, JP (Chairperson), Ms. Mak Lai Ying and Ms. Lee Cheung Pui, Sindy Cat. The EC has finished the nomination procedure, confirmed and published the list of 15 valid candidates. Ballots will be sent out to registered social workers on 11 November, and will be counted on 4 December. The 8 candidates who obtain the highest number of votes will be elected as Board members for the next 3-year term from 16 January 2022 to 15 January 2025.
List of Candidates
The sequential number for each candidate (The number in brackets is the registration number) has been assigned after the Lots Drawing Session hosted by Professor Chan Wing Tai, JP:
1. Leung Yin Hung (04012)
2. Cheung Yun Hang, Stanley (18130)
3. Cheung Tat Ming (01191)
4. Lai Man Lok (24930)
5. Yu Sau Ying (07193)
6. Ng Yut Ming (05020)
7. Chan Kwok Bong (00293)
8. Chung Wai Lun, Adino (09608)
9. Ho Sze Man, Toby (16318)
10. Wong Kam Kuen (06247)
11. Shum Wai Chuen (05285)
12. Luk Fung Ping (04497)
13. Ching Chi Kong (01286)
14. Ng Siu Man (04909)
15. Lam Chiu Wan (02855)
Important Dates
Dates | Events |
4 November 2021 | Closure of Register for Voters |
6 November 2021 |
Election Forum |
15 November - 4 December 2021
(Deadline: 12:00 nn)
Period of postal voting |
4 December 2021 |
On-site voting |
4 December 2021 |
Vote counting |
Election Forum
To let voters better understand the candidates before the voting, an election forum will be held on 6 November 2021 at 2:00 pm. Owing to the uncertain situation of the pandemic, the forum will be conducted in hybrid mode. Candidates can only opt to attend the forum on-site while voters can only join the forum online.
Since the forum is limited to voters only, RSWs who are interested to attend, please register and provide the registration number for verification through the online form ( before 1:00 pm on 5 November. We will send the forum login information to participating voters after verification.
Procedure of vote casting and vote counting
The Board believes that the previous election methods have operated fairly and smoothly, so this election will follow the previous voting methods and arrangements. To put it simple, we will ensure that any voter's identity and voting decisions cannot be identified in the process through the following methods:
- The ballot paper will not contain any mark that can identify the voter.
- Ballots must be placed in a designated computer barcode envelope. The barcode is only used to link up with the voter database when verifying the eligibility of the voter and before the votes are counted.
- The barcode envelope will be opened after verification, the ballot paper inside will be taken out, separated from the envelope, and pooled with other ballot papers from other envelopes. By then, no one can tell which ballot paper is whose.
- The ballots are counted by the service provider using a specific scanning system.
By separating eligibility verification from vote counting, the method ensures that the identity of voters will not be identified during the voting and counting process. For details, please click here.
Announcement of Result
In normal circumstances, after the EC confirmed the election results, the Board office will announce the result in the Board's website. The list of new Board members, including elected and appointed members, will be gazetted in early January 2022.
All eligible voters will receive ballots and candidates’ information in mid-November 2021. If voters do not receive it as scheduled, please contact the Board office as soon as possible to arrange for a replacement. The EC hereby appeals to all RSWs to vote actively to elect the new 8 elected Board members. In addition, if your registered address is changed, please notify us as soon as possible to avoid delay in the delivery of ballot papers.
According to section 24 of the Ordinance, A registered social worker who has, at any time on or after the date of the statutory declaration made by him, been charged with or convicted of any offence, shall notify the Board in writing as soon as reasonably practicable after he has been charged or convicted. Therefore, charges or convictions should not be reported until you apply for renewal. For frequently asked questions about reporting charges or convictions, please refer to the previous newsletter.
1. Second round public consultation on the amendment on Code of Practice for RSWs
2. Preparation on publication of the second series of the Casebook of disciplinary inquiries
3. Briefing to TIs about the new edition of the Principles, Criteria and Standards for recognizing Social Work Qualifications (PCS)
4. Qualification Recognition Review
- HKCT Institute of Higher Education: Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Social Work
- Gratia Christian College: Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
- Caritas Institute of Higher Education: Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Social Work
- UOW College Hong Kong: Associate of Social Science in Social Work
5. Promotion Work
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin) of the Vocational Training Council (Final Year): 50
- University of Hong Kong (Final Year ): 149
- Hong Kong Baptist University(Final Year):60
- Caritas Institute of Higher Education (Final Year): 200
- School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong(Final Year): 40
- Hong Kong Shue Yan University (Final Year): 50
- UOW College Hong Kong (First Year/ Final Year): 120
- The City University of Hong Kong(Final Year): 62
- Hong Kong Community College of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Final Year): 50
- HKCT Institute of Higher Education (Final Year): 90
- Total:871
Total Number of RSWs:26,808
Gender Distribution
Male:8,332 (31.08%)
Female:18,473 (68.92%)
Qualification for Registration
Recognized bachelor degree or above:18,016 (67.27%)
Recognized diploma:8,702 (32.46%)
Others:74 (0.27%)
社會工作是一個「人道化」的專業,她由起初已是個價值為本、有價值取向,為社會中的成員而服務的專業團體。可惜,隨着新管理模式的出現,這個專業側重了個案管理、數據的輸出和可量度的服務效益,卻忘記了她們的使命是透過建立一種特殊的工作關係,去承載每天要面對痛苦、威脅和失掉的個人和家庭,成為他們的伴行者。事實上,中外社工學者,如莫拉萊斯(Armando Morales)、謝弗( Bradford Sheafor)、伍可兒、阮新邦、朱志强、林昭寰等,早已提出「俗世的牧者」和「道德實踐」的論點。不幸,社會變遷把社工的使命也埋藏了。當前之務,就是要讓同工從「忙、忘、亡」的生態中醒悟過來,自力更新,重拾使命,成為真正的毅行者。
沒有一個專業比社工更重視人際關係對社會的影響。假如社工在提供服務時忽視服務使用者與他人的關係,他不會是個稱職的社工。在筆者服務的機構,有社工、護士、營養師、心理學家、藝術治療師等多專業同工為受癌症影響的個人和家庭提供支援,但只有社工在意識上和在評估、介入、設計活動和推動服務上較習慣運用系統思維幫助患者及其家人彼此諒解、互相扶持,以促進家庭抗逆力。我希望同工們謹記,當我們高舉實証為本的介入模式的同時,切勿忘記不少中外的家庭治療大師,如沙維雅(Virginia Satir)、帕普(Peggy Papp)、懷特(Michael White)、李維榕、霍玉蓮、黃麗彰等,都曾接受社會工作的專業訓練,成為了同業的好榜樣。
Article Contribution for Newsletter
- Articles should be related to the functions of the Board or the social work profession.
- No articles represent the position of the Board and authors should take sole responsibility for their views.
- Authors should provide their real name, contact address, email and contact number. Authors may request for not publishing their real name.
- Articles could be written in Chinese (within 2,000 words) or in English (within 1,500 words).
- The Board is with full discretion in deciding on publishing an article or not.
- The Board reserves its right of editing an article.
- No any form of remuneration will be provided by the Board.