Issue 47 (4/2021)

Table of Contents
The purpose of publishing the "Code of Practice" and "Guidelines on Code of Practice" by the Board is to provide guidelines for the professional ethics of social workers, protect the well-being and interests of service users and the public, and at the same time strengthen the public's trust and confidence towards the social work profession. In order to accommodate the changes in the social work field, the social environment and the expectations towards social workers, the Board has initiated a revision exercise in recent years, and set up a "Task Force on Revision of Code of Practice" under the "Committee on Professional Conduct" to review the above two documents, and to recommend a revised version. The Board has also conducted a public consultation from July to December last year to collect opinions from the field and service users.
During the consultation period, the Board collected a total of 110 written opinions. In addition, 76 persons participated in a total of 5 online consultation sessions, in which many valuable opinions were collected.
The opinions collected can be summarized as the following major opinions:
- Objection or hesitation to agree to the merging of the "Code of Practice" and the "Guidelines on Code of Practice"
- Needs to consider carefully towards the suggestion of expanding the definition of service user to include people who “has engaged to receive social work service”
- The wording of "moral and political values" may cause misunderstandings or doubts
- Concerns about the proposed amendments related to the part of professional development
The Board is actively considering the opinions from all parties and expects to conduct the second round consultation between mid-May and the end of August this year. In addition to collecting written opinions and holding online consultation sessions, we will resume physical consultation sessions for having more direct communications with colleagues if public health conditions allow.
One of the important functions of the Board is to set and review the qualification standards for registration as registered social workers. Therefore, the "Committee on Qualification Assessment and Registration" is delegated to review the principles and criteria for recognizing social work qualifications. After a detailed review and two rounds of consultation, the Board has just completed the revision of the "Principles, Criteria and Standards for Recognising Qualifications in Social Work". The latest version was officially announced on 15 April this year, with the effective date set at 1 September 2022. You may download it on the Board's website.
3. Appointment of Assessment Panel for the new term
At present, the social work qualifications recognized by the Board for registration must undergo qualification recognition assessment by an independent assessment team. The term of the previous assessment panel expired in January of this year. After public nomination and consideration, the Board has appointed a new term of office until the end of August 2024. The list of members has been uploaded on our website.
3. Qualification Recognition Review
- Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education: Bachelor of Social Work (Honours)
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin) of the Vocational Training Council: Higher Diploma in Social Work
- Hong Kong Shue Yan University: Bachelor of Social Work (Hons)
- Caritas Institute of Higher Education: Higher Diploma in Social Work
- Hong Kong Baptist University: Master of Social Sciences in Social Work
4. Promotion Work
- University of Hong Kong(Year 1): 130
- UOW College Hong Kong (Year 1): 50
- Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education (Year 1): 35
- HKCT Institute of Higher Education (Year 1): 32
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin) of the Vocational Training Council (Year 1): 75
- Hong Kong Baptist University (Year 1/Final Year): 110
- Hong Kong Community College of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Year 1): 80
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Year 1/Final Year): 80
- Gratia Christian College (Final Year): 15
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Final Year): 65
- Total Participants:672
Concerning Social Worker Registration Ordinance s.24, registered social workers should report charges and convictions to the Board as soon as reasonably practicable after their statutory declaration. The following are frequently asked questions that you might find helpful in deciding what to report to the Board.
- Fixed Penalty (Traffic Contraventions) Ordinance(Cap. 237)
- the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Ordinance (Cap. 240)
- the Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness Offences) Ordinance (Cap. 570)
- the Fixed Penalty (Smoking Offences) Ordinance (Cap. 600)
- the Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) Ordinance (Cap. 611)

Total Number of RSWs:25,651
Gender Distribution
Male:7,915 (30.85%)
Female:17,736 (69.14%)
Qualification for Registration
Recognized bachelor degree or above:17,162 (66.9%)
Recognized diploma:8,414 (32.97%)
Others:75 (0.28%)
Rationale: Even if there is a rule on the topic….
- family law cannot truly comfort divorce parties especially children who are the prime victims;
- aboriginal forest wood cutters arrested when they cut wood after the government sold the forest to wealthy migrants (vs aboriginal) ;
- grand-parents arrested for leaving the grand-children alone to buy household food, as the kids parents had to work for a living.
- General Practitioners whose parents or children in sickness, should they treat them (when other resources are available)?
- Pastors and Ministers, may they do counselling on their brothers and sisters who they know for considerable long time and in same community, as they seek specific Pastor and Minister help?
- In remote place, in small community, especially when professionals tend to seek country life in small community and remote place, may they do counselling when the need emerges?
- More….