Consultation on Election Rules

主頁 Home 選舉規則 Election Rules 發表意見 Submit Opinions ENG

你的意見 Your Opinions

1. 整體意見 General Opinion:

2. 選舉委員會 Election Committee:

3. 選舉日程 Timeline of Election:

4. 選民資格 Eligibility for Electors:

5. 參選及提名資格 Eligibility for Candidates and their Nominations:

6. 候選人編號及選舉宣傳 Sequential Numbers of Candidates and Election Campaign:

7. 投票 Vote Casting:

8. 點票 Vote Counting:

9. 在憲報刊登候任成員公告 Notice to be published in the Gazette for the BMs-elect:

10. 銷毀所交回的選票及其他相關物料 Disposal of returned ballot papers:

姓名 Name (選填 Optional):   
註冊編號 Registration Number (選填 Optional):   
電郵 Email (用於傳送本意見書副本 For sending copy of this form):   

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