Issue 49 (4/2022)

Table of Contents
BackgroundThe SWRB of this term has a strong pool of talents. In the election of elected members, a total of 6,521 valid votes were received, and the turnout rate was higher than that of the previous term. Against the pandemic and social atmosphere since late 2019, such increase in the voting percentage shows that social workers will participate in meaningful elections to voice out their will to make a real impact. The elected members come from various background, including social work teachers from higher education institutions, frontline social workers and middle management supervisors from traditional social welfare organizations, non-subvented organizations and international non-governmental organizations. Overall speaking, the elected members obtained votes from about 50% to 77% of the total ballots, displaying a high recognition of and aspirations to the elected members by the social work community.
The Government also attaches great importance to the Board. It jumps over its previous norms in searching for appointed members. For example, members from service user organizations and social work assistant rank of the Social Welfare Department were appointed in the past, but not in this term. Instead, all appointed members are involved in the present or past government structure or political establishment.
The functions of the Board are mainly to formulate standards for registration, handle relevant registration matters, and monitor the professional quality of social workers, ultimately safeguarding the interests of service users and the public. As the Chairperson, I am most pleased to communicate and cooperate with all elected and appointed members of different backgrounds and properly draw on the opinions of social workers, service users, and various sectors of the community, so that the Board, while performing its statutory functions, will be oriented towards "practising the value of social workers, upholding social justice and adhering to the autonomy of registration".
List of Board Members, Committee and Sub-committee
The list of Board members, committees and sub-committee for the tenure of office from 16 January 2022 to 15 January 2025 is as follows:
Full Board Members
Dr. NG Yut-ming (Elected Member) (Chairperson)
Ms. HO Sze-man, Toby (Elected Member) (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr. CHAN Kwok-bong (Elected Member) (Honorary Secretary)
Mr. NG Kam-wah, Webster (Appointed Member) (Honorary Treasurer)
Ms. AU Chor-kwan, Ann (Appointed Member)
Mr. CHUNG Wai-lun, Adino (Elected Member)
Mr. FAN Hoi-kit, Alex (Appointed Member)
Mr. LAI Man-lok (Elected Member)
Dr. LAM Chiu-wan (Elected Member)
Ms. LO Wing-sze, Anthea, B.B.S., J.P. (Appointed Member)
Ms. LUI Siu-ying (Appointed Member)
Ms. LUK Fung-ping (Elected Member)
Mr. SIN Yat-kin, S.B.S., C.S.D.S.M.,J.P. (Appointed Member)
Ms. WONG Kam-kuen (Elected Member)
Ms WONG Yin-yee (Representative of Director of Social Welfare)
Committee on Administration
Ms. LUK Fung-ping (Chairperson)
Ms. AU Chor-kwan, Ann
Mr. CHAN Kwok-bong
Mr. CHUNG Wai-lun, Adino
Mr. FAN Hoi-kit, Alex
Ms. HO Sze-man, Toby
Mr. LAI Man-lok
Ms. LUI Siu-ying
Mr. NG Kam-wah, Webster
Dr. NG Yut-ming
Mr. SIN Yat-kin, S.B.S., C.S.D.S.M.,J.P.
Committee on Professional Conduct
Ms. WONG Kam-kuen (Chairperson)
Ms. AU Chor-kwan, Ann
Mr. CHAN Kwok-bong
Mr. CHUNG Wai-lun, Adino
Mr. FAN Hoi-kit, Alex
Ms. HO Sze-man, Toby
Mr. LAI Man-lok
Dr. LAM Chiu-wan
Ms. LO Wing-sze, Anthea, B.B.S., J.P.
Ms. LUI Siu-ying
Ms. LUK Fung-ping
Mr. NG Kam-wah, Webster
Mr. SIN Yat-kin, S.B.S., C.S.D.S.M.,J.P.
Committee on Qualification Recognition
Dr. LAM Chiu-wan (Chairperson)
Mr. CHAN Kwok-bong
Ms. LUI Siu-ying
Dr. NG Yut-ming
Ms. WONG Kam-kuen
Editorial Sub-Committee of Casebook of Disciplinary Inquiries
Dr. TING Wai-fong (Convenor)
Mr. CHAN Kwok-bong
Ms. CHAU Bik-hung
Dr. LAM Chiu-wan
Mr. LUN Chi-wai
Dr. NG Yut-ming
Self-introduction of Board Members
大家好,我是Toby 何詩敏。作為其中一位民選委員,想藉此多謝各位關心註冊局的社工踴躍投票。感謝大家信任和支持。對我來說,社工應該堅守社會公義的意識,捍衛生命權利一直深深刻在心中。社工從來不是一份工作,而是我們的專業、生活。
NG Kam-wah, Webster
As a fellow practising accountant, I am honour to be appointed and elected as the Honorary Treasurer of the Social Workers Registration Board.
It is glad to serve by contributing my professional knowledge through various positions including member of Lotteries Fund Advisory Committee and Lump Sum Grant Steering Committee, as well as participation in different taskforce or panel such as Working Group of Monitoring of Charitable Fund-raising Activities in Public Places and Assistance Programme to Improve the Living Environment of Low-income Subdivided Unit Households, etc., in support of social welfare sector and clusters in need. I wish to monitor the financial affairs of the Board by co-operation with other board members elected and member from different sectors in this new service term for better development in future.
CHAN Kwok-bong
AU Chor-kwan, Ann
I have worked in the banking industry for more than 30 years. As a Registered Financial Planner, I have participated in social and regional volunteer work for many years, including serving in different committees of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. I am now a member in the Housing Authority, the Independent Police Complaints Council, the Post Release Supervision Committee and the Advisory Committee on Enhancing Employment of People with Disabilities. I have just stepped down from the Lump Sum Grant Steering Committee and the Task Force for Review on Enhancement of Lump Sum Grant Subvention System. As such, I have the opportunity to understand the system and work related to social welfare. I am honored to be appointed as a member of the Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB) this year. Given my ample professional and cross sectoral work experience, I hope to help promoting the work of SWRB and enhancing the professional image of social workers in Hong Kong.
FAN Hoi-kit, Alex
I am a practising barrister, arbitrator and accredited general mediator, as well as President of Hainan International Arbitration Court. I serve on various government committees and statutory boards, including Youth Development Commission, Travel Industry Authority, Action Committee Against Narcotics and Subsidised Housing Committee of Hong Kong Housing Authority. Though coming from the legal sector, over the years, I am very much committed to serving the social welfare sector where I find an inextricable nexus. I actively participate in the governance of various social welfare agencies or take up advisory roles therein. I now serve as Director of The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Social Service Professional Alliance, Council Member of Hong Kong Social Workers Association, Social Work Services Committee Member of Caritas Hong Kong, Residential Services Advisory Committee Chairman of Caritas Hong Kong, Social Service Committee Member of Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong, Services Management Committee Member of Hong Chi Association, Service Development Committee Member of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, Humanitarian Education Advisory Panel Member, Hong Kong Red Cross as well as Honorary Legal Counsel of Hong Kong Single Parents Association. On the strength of my experience in legal practice and extensive participation in the governance of service agencies, I very much look forward to making contributions to the Social Workers Registration Board, as well as the professional development and professional quality enhancement of the social worker profession.
LAI Man-lok
LAM Chiu-wan
林昭寰博士現為明愛專上學院湯羅鳳賢社會科學院副教授,曾於香港大學及香港理工大學任教。肄業於香港中文大學新亞書院 (哲學系),香港大學 (社會工作碩士),英國伯明翰大學 (社會科學碩士、哲學博士 [社會政策] ),羅馬宗座傳信大學神學學士 (Magna Cum Laude)。
曾任職社區發展工作、青年中心、社會福利署感化主任及醫務社會工作 (精神科醫院)。
Lo Wing Sze, Anthea, BBS, JP
I am a certified public accountant with over 20 years’ experience in the tourism industry. Since then, I have been participating in various social services, with major focus on youth development and conservation of intangible cultural heritage. I have also been a member of the Social Welfare Advisory Committee for the past six years. Currently, I am appointed as a member of Advisory Committee on Post-office Employment for Former Chief Executives and Politically Appointed Officials, member of Advisory Committee on Admission of Quality Migrants and Professionals, member of Museum Advisory Committee and member of Wan Chai District Fire Safety Committee. At the same time, I am also a member of the Election Committee 2021 of the HKSAR, honorary Court member of Lingnan University and Executive Vice-chairlady of Tai Hang Fire Dragon Heritage Centre. I am honoured to be appointed as member of the Social Workers Registration Board. It is glad to serve the Board by contributing my experience in social services and I am committed to fulfill my duties through cooperation with talents from various social sectors as well as professional social workers. I am confident that our join efforts can enhance the professional image of Hong Kong social workers and service quality, thus be beneficial to the interests of service users and the general public.
LUI Siu-ying
LUK Fung-ping
SIN Yat-kin, S.B.S., C.S.D.S.M.,J.P.
I retired in December 2014 after 35 years of service with the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department. After my retirement, I have taken part in a range of public services relating to sports, education and youth. Currently, I am the Chairman of the Hong Kong Playground Association, the Chairman of Disciplinary Committee of the Hong Kong Football Association, the Council Member of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and the Consultation Council Member of the Hong Kong Army Cadets Association.
I am honoured to be appointed as member of the Social Workers Registration Board, I will leverage my experiences in public/corporate governance to promote the work of the Board, enhance the professional image of Hong Kong social workers, and protect the interests of service users.
WONG Yin-yee
The postal service is hampered as the postal facilities needed to be closed from time to time when postal staff is diagnosed COVID-19. In order to avoid any delay due to the postal issue and mitigate the risk of the spread of COVID-19 in the community, the Board appeals to RSWs to apply for renewal of registration and settle payment via our online registration system.
2. Add-on of credit card payment method for submitting online application for registration
For the convenience of new applicants for registration, the Board office has added a credit card payment method to the existing online registration system to reduce the inconvenience of applicants having to pay by postal cheque or in person. In addition, in order to speed up the processing of registration applications under the pandemic, applicants are allowed to upload the copy of the "Statutory Declaration of Conviction / Non-conviction" to the online system. However, after submitting the online application, applicants must still need to submit the original statutory declaration by post or in person as soon as possible, otherwise the submission of application documents will not be deemed completed.
3. Points to note for RSWs reporting charges and convictions
According to section 24 of the Ordinance, A registered social worker who has, at any time on or after the date of the statutory declaration made by him, been charged with or convicted of any offence, shall notify the Board in writing as soon as reasonably practicable after he has been charged or convicted. Therefore, charges or convictions should be reported as soon as reasonably practicable instead of only at the time of applying for the renewal of registration. For frequently asked questions about reporting charges or convictions, please refer to Issue 47.
1. Updates on the amendment to the Code of Practice for Registered Social Workers
The previous tenure of the Board has completed two rounds of consultation on the amendment to the Code of Practice and Guidelines on Code of Practice, and has further revised the two documents after taking into account the comments collected. The Board members of the new term are carefully reviewing the two documents, hoping to formulate a code to guide and regulate registered social workers, so as to strengthen the public's confidence in the social work profession and protect the service users and the public.
2. Preparation on publication of the second series of the Casebook of disciplinary inquiries
The Board reviews its current procedural requirements from time to time and we have revised the requirements on disclosure of hearing information in disciplinary procedures at the beginning of this year. For details, please refer to the " Rules in respect of Disciplinary Proceedings " on the web.
3. Progress on the Second Edition of the Casebook of Disciplinary Inquiries
In the past year, the editorial sub-committee carefully reviewed 75 complaint cases against social workers (including established or not established) that had completed disciplinary proceedings from 2009 to 2020, and finally screened 31 cases for discussion and reflection. So far, the editorial sub-committee has completed the first draft of the discussion case articles, and will review the revised draft of the articles and re-visit the content for the introduction and conclusion of each section area.
4. Qualification Recognition
The following are the social work qualifications that are undergoing recognition review:
- HKCT Institute of Higher Education: Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) in Social Work (2021/22)
- Gratia Christian College: Higher Diploma in Social Work (Application for New Qualification) and Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) (2021/22)
- Caritas Institute of Higher Education: Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Social Work (2021/22)
- UOW College Hong Kong: Associate of Social Science in Social Work (2021/22)
5. Updates of Website's FAQs
The FAQs on the Board's website has been updated to include more frequently asked questions by RSWs, covering a wider range of issues.
6. Promotion Work
During the last half-year, staff of the Board Office introduced the work of the Registration Board to the social work students of the following institutions through online or physical visits:
- The City University of Hong Kong(First Year):40
- University of Hong Kong(First Year):60
- Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Sha Tin) of the Vocational Training Council(First Year):60
- UOW College Hong Kong(First Year):50
- HKCT Institute of Higher Education(First Year):40
- Gratia Christian College(First Year):20
- Hong Kong Baptist University(Final Year):65
- Hong Kong Shue Yan University(Final Year):50
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University(First Year / Final Year):100
- The Chinese University of Hong Kong(Final Year):80
- Total:565
The Board has set up a platform on its website to list the professional development activities uploaded by the listed organizers. As the listed activities do not need to be recognized or screened by the Board, you are advised to enroll the CPD activities for Social Workers in careful manner.
Total Number of RSWs : 26,678
Gender Distribution
Female:18,381 (68.9%)
Qualification for Registration
Recognized diploma:8,598 (32.2%)
Statistics on Complaint Cases (since establishment)
Note:As some cases are still in the preliminary stage or disciplinary proceedings, the above figures are not expressed in proportion.
疫情, 亦情
當每天聽見一個又一個自己認識的同事及朋友確診Omicron病毒時, 我就在三月的一個週六早上從快速測試中得知陽性結果。本來難得在那天約好跟一個家庭視像會面, 亦要因此而取消, 未來數天的工作也要停下來了。
確診後, 除了第一時間讓家人知道, 以確保大家有足夠防疫裝備外, 我亦向衛生防護中心和同事申報測試結果, 盡量做好本份。可惜, 申報後收到官方的自動回覆, 卻一時令我恐慌起來, 擔心自己將會被送到檢疫中心隔離。
事實上, 在這疫情下, 每個香港人都生活在惶恐中。我們不能掌握環球及本地政策的走勢, 也不可預測疫症的威脅, 甚至無法估計多少人身心受創。然而, 在這一切看似失控和無助的境況裡, 我仍見到疫情中的「情」所給予的希望。
最受家居隔離影響的就是同住的緊密接觸者, 她們往往就是家人和傭工。這正是考驗夫婦感情、親子和僱傭關係的時候。就以我家為例, 不單內子要讓出房間做「廳長」, 就連一家四口也要關在這六百多平方尺的房子直至測試結果呈陰性。假如彼此未能體諒包容, 恐怕難以生活在同一屋簷下。收到親友們的物資供應和從容不迫的慰問, 起初的緊張也大大減少了!
這時候為我發揮最大功效的就是跟我分享從家居隔離到完全康復的過來人。她們的第一身經驗比任何一位醫護人員及其資訊來得實際和有幫助。除了在藥物和食材方面給予建議外, 我認為最重要的就是在心理和實際方法上分享如何準備自己和應付可能出現的問題。當被要求入住隔離中心時, 患者如何適切地回應就是一個好例子。這些交流不單減低恐懼和孤單感, 亦建立了一個互助網絡, 迅速提升自我效能。
原來當我們從親情和友情中獲得力量時, 這正是要預備我們為需要我們同行的人帶來曙光。服務使用者往往把我們看為生命中的伴行者及痛苦中的依靠, 這就是移情發揮最大作用的時候。假如我們不能以平靜安穩的心情, 觀察當下的處境, 聆聽他們在巨大壓力下的思緒和需要, 我們不單無法把他們在混亂中喚醒過來, 就連自己的工作和他們的生活也會被拖累了!安排每天的安靜時間, 相信靜而生慧的道理, 並且避免把自己等同情緒, 都是老生常談。不過, 這些方法卻是我和服務使用者在這疫情下所發現到的情智。
疫情未知何時了, 人情卻常在。「努力維繫家庭關係」、「關顧身邊可能需要幫助的朋友」、「為社會中弱勢人士提供適切有效的支援」從來都是社會工作的使命。只要我們不被疫情及種種措施嚇怕, 堅信在每個人心中仍有良知, 看重人情多於疫情, 香港社會工作者仍肩負起穩定社會的任務, 發揮不可替代的醫心者角色。
有一回,遇到一位長輩,年紀漸大,身體狀況自不如前。 見著他有點低沉,出自社工的本能反應,認真給他講解各項耆老須知: 如何保持身體穩妥、減慢衰退、家居防跌安全、長者營養、精神健康 …. 結尾還特別補充 :「如果你還有什麼需要,我們可以替你轉介其他服務,以確保你獨居家中安全。」
長輩耐心聽罷,只回了一句:「你說的都好,只是缺了一件: 你們都未老過。」
這倒是事實。 但又有誰聽過長者輔導、耆英小組、金齡講座,非得要由老人親自一手包辦策劃兼提供服務,才算能達致有過來人的共鳴? 再說,難道專業的培訓、多年的實戰經驗、精準的研究數據分析資料,都抵不過、測不透老人家個人的主觀經歷與願境?
在「家居支援」部門工作,天天都接觸著獨自生活的老人家,安排提供著日常生活所需的服務和協助,本爾平淡無奇,不外乎照顧吃喝拉睡,幫助服藥,衛生清潔。 誰知道透過近距離的相處,卻讓我們這輩「都未老過」的人,難能可貴地見證著一些「老過的人」如何昂首走過這段路,並且走得獨特精采。
背駝得幾近四十五度的九十多歲婆婆,年前還領隊帶大廈住客去市中心一日遊,近年走路要倚仗助行架,又長期關節痛患,才自我收窄活動範圍。 婆婆其實滿有資格接受上門家居支援服務,也試過幾次讓家居照顧員接送去物理治療。 不料婆婆天生活脫是《仙樂飄飄》裏「叫人怎麼捉得住,釘得牢的遊雲」,很快便走來連聲抗議兼道歉: 「你們的好意心領了,但我實在不能『依時依候』蹲在家裏等人家來幫我洗澡、穿衣、接送什麼的。我真的習慣了自由,想做便做,要走就走。 你來看,我有蠻多法子自己幫自己的呢!」
最理想、最安全嗎? 當然不!事實上也真的出現過幾次小意外。但她腦袋仍算清明,而這又確實是她認為最適合自己的生活方式,且除了教旁人常為她掛心抹把汗之外,也沒犯著別人。那又有誰可以不尊重她的抉擇呢?權衡之下,只好請她瀏覽一些特為獨居長者設計的穿衣、穿襪等等輔助工具,她也給足面子欣然接受了。
另一位也是背向朝天的伯伯。第一次認識,還是多得原本幫他清潔家居的中美洲鐘點傭工,怒氣沖沖跑進辦公室:「這麼亂糟糟的屋子,多多錢也不幹啦! 我好心跑來告訴你們。至於怎麼去幫這瘋老頭,你們看著辦吧!」
年近九十的伯伯,從任何角度看,都是老態龍鍾。 可是只要一開口,卻教人震撼不已:「怎麼可能!聲音還是那麼年青悅耳?」全無沙啞、清脆利索的嗓子,還配襯著一份活潑鮮麗的心境。
伯伯年輕時是記者,與妻子鶼鰈情深,酷愛表演藝術。每有演出,二人總早早準備,以情侶形象拍檔,羨煞旁人。 可惜年前,伯伯遭逢折翼劇痛,卻也並未上過什麼喪偶輔導,只是按著自己的直覺,一步一足印撑了過來。
別以為伯伯此後便生無可戀,消極放棄。 相反,小小家裏到處擁抱著生之盼 : 健身區,天天用小型啞鈴、高爾夫球在家裏鍛練仍魁梧壯健的上半身; 音樂區,猶陶醉於結他自彈自唱,讓鄰居頭痛的發燒友大喇叭也固不能少 ; 還有樹葉標本製作區 :「這種葉子多罕見,竟然沒有人把它好好保存,太可惜了!我這便製了個標本。你看,多美!」
這樣一個家,對要負責吸塵打掃的,自然是噩夢。 但換個角度看,卻是一位喪偶長者,對愛情的深遽與堅持,對生命的認真和尊重。
有朝一日,本來服侍人的,也輪到要接受別人的服侍。那一天,走在「正在老」的路上,邊走邊學。我們關注的,也許不再是策略、計劃、程序檢討、滴水不漏的風險管理。 所要求的,其實很簡單: 一個人對另一個人的理解、接納、欣賞、尊重,甚或在並非完全認同的情況下,能以允許,甚至跟這等長者顆拍一起,去揣摩、學習,以致共同承擔,在所餘不多的人生時間空間裏,如何留下丁點兒他們看得比生命更重 - 風險的尊嚴 ( The dignity of Risk)。